Friday, July 20, 2012

WW Weekly Weigh-In...and a peek inside...

My chiiccaasss!!!

This week has been eventful, to say the least, mainly due to work 'issues' coming up.  I've never really disclosed much about my job, but if any of you all are interested, it's a mix between case management/social work.  Dealing with people's lives on a daily basis is a huge responsibility.  I don't know how I've managed to do it for over 8 years now.  It's rewarding on so many levels, and although I will vent about it from time to time, it is where my ❤ belongs right now.

I am really looking foward to this coming weekend.  Guess what?  I have absolutely NO plans!  Sounds like a negative, but trust me, it's a good thing.  I've been wanting to catch up on my DVR for weeks now chicas.  General Hospital is calling my name!!  lol  Maybe I'll catch a movie also.  Speaking of which, I DID finally go watch Magic Mike.  One word.


Review to come.  ;)

Earlier this week I attended my weekly Weight Watchers meeting.  You know what I was realizing on my way home that day?  I have never missed a meeting since I first started WW back in January!  Can we say NSV?!?!  How's that for accountability?  I love how this program is making me feel!  It really is a lifestyle, and sooo easy to stick to if your mind and ❤ are ready.  Plus, it is a biiig help if you get the support from friends and familia.  My family has been awesome, and have actually been following along as well.  Mi madre has lost nearly 40 lbs. herself!  That is just a-mazing, and I couldn't be any happier for her.

1.2 lbs. lost this week!  Yaaayyy me!! 

I'm gettin' there chicas...slowly but surely.  I'm doing it for ME.  Noone else.

I have to admit though, having people to lean on is essential in any journey, no matter how big, or how difficult that journey may be.  Awhile back, I said I would share a personal story with yall' about why I initially decided to join WW.  It's not because I've always secretly yearned to be skinny, or smaller.  It's not because I felt ugly or unwanted either.  Noone can make you feel disposable or unloved, if you don't allow them to.  Period.

In July of 2011, I was faced with the seriousness of the possibility that I may never be able to have a child of my own.  If that wasn't heart-wrenching enough, my doctor also informed me that there was a 5% chance that a few cells he had collected could potentially become cancerous.  I would never have found any of this out, because I would never go to the doctor chicas.  I finally listened to my own advice, after months of irregular cycles, and months of no cycle at all.  Scary, I know.  But that's how deep of a hole I had dug myself into, that I was putting my own health at risk, and ignoring all the warning signs.  I made an appointment with my OB/GYN, and faced the truth.  And yes, my weight unfortunately did play a big role in the start of these problems.  When I got those two wake-up calls, my initial reaction was complete sadness.  I lost all hope, and if it wasn't for the strength of the people around me, I don't think I'd be where I am now.  I did have to have a minor surgery, which was scary as hell for me.  I had never been under general anesthesia, much less have to visit the hospital for anything more than a bee sting in the past.  (YES I'm allergic...badly.)  The surgery went well, and I spent the rest of the year pretty much sulking.  That honestly sums it up.

Shortly after the holidays last year, my aunt finally convinced me to join WW with her.  I was hesitant at first, mainly because I was afraid of change.  A light bulb literally lit up one day, and that was it.  I decided I was ready, and I haven't turned back since.  I keep telling myself that the loves I do have now, my niece and my nephew, are the lights that keep me going.

Fast foward nearly 7 months, and thankfully, all is well now.  No more cancer scares, and the dream to have a child of my own one day is back.  I cannot stress this enough though...

Go to the doctor.

I don't care if it's for a lingering cold, a migraine you've had for days, or a problem similar to what I had.  You ARE important to somebody, and there ARE people who love and care for you.  Sometimes we just shut them out, and ignore all the red flags waving in front of us.  No bueno, either way. 

Love yourself first chicas.

You deserve it.

Be blessed...and stay blessed.


1 comment:

  1. Very inspirational. I have had 2 stillborn children so one day I hope to have a healthy baby. Keep up the great work on your weight loss.
